Sunday, October 28, 2012

It makes me sad.We had that a great time here in CC and i still wanna stay, but finally there are no options to do so. If i look back at my family, our trips and the school, i just wish to come back one time and stay much longer probably as an au pair or something like that. This whole time here just passed by way too fast,but while being here i really enjoyed it and of course increased my english skills. Let's hope we will meet again.


  1. We had such an awesome time having you here! We already miss you! I hope you had a great experience here in America and I hope we gave you most of the experiences you wanted! I hope you come back because I like learning about Germany and how things happen there. It is totally different there than here. You better be coming back sometime soon, and hopefully we can come see you there! Your english was great also! Thanks for making this a great experience! (: Talk to you soon!!

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  4. I can relate to how you feel with the exchange. When I was in Walsrode/Bad Fallingbostel over the summer with the exchange and the time seemed to slip away. I want to come back and experience the culture again along with the food. You have to be willing to try new things or you are going to be stuck with a boring trip. This exchange has helped broaden my views and open doors that I would not have been able to open on my own.

    Thank you for helping with our German GAPP 2012

  5. It was so nice to get to know you and to become friends. Thank you for all the help with german. Your input helped me to develop a better understanding of the language and I really appreciate your help. Yes it did feel short but it was a great experience and I hope that you guys do come back some day.
    -Your friend Zach

  6. I may have not known you personally however I have to agree that this was a very beneficial experience. I feel that we learned a lot from you guys. It was nice to learn from a peer than it is to learn from an adult and you guys are really the experts. I hope you guys do get to come back to enrich your learning of the english language. I know of a few of our students who are planning on visiting there and they are excited to grow in their german speaking. Thank you for making this a great experience! :)

  7. I think that this year's exchange was really great for everyone involved. Though I didn't get to know anyone personally, I loved having all of you all in German class and some of my other classes as well. You made me feel slightly incompetent in german class because all of you really have quite good english. However, this made you able to help us so much more with our german. I think I learned a lot from the students in such a small amount of time, so I can imagine that your time spent here was as least just as beneficial. I hope you get to come back here to experience the english language more. I think the most exciting part of learning a language is actually getting to use it in everyday life.
